I’m having a problem with focus, but I’m not beating myself up about it too much, yet. I’m just having too much fun!

Starting this blog was one part of my overall plan to transition from being a nurse in DC to…something else. Somewhere else. That transition is ongoing and in progress, and is currently taking up a lot of time and energy.

The good news is that I have some ideas. Some awesome ideas. Pioneer Nation really helped me clarify some of my goals, with a nice helping of perspective and informational opportunities. I’m very, very excited about what is coming up.

But in the meantime, I’ve got the practical transition to deal with. I’m working two jobs and still have to find the time to pack and sell all my belongings and repaint the walls. Not to mention research/compare/buy backpacks and visas and immunizations and plane/cruise/bus tickets. And while in research mode, I’m reading a lot of travel/business/nomad blogs to see whose ideas resonate with what I want to accomplish myself.

This is no way a complaint. In fact I’m downright giddy most of the time. I love transitions! Everything is so full of excitement and possibility. Not only am I opening doors, but I want to run through several simultaneously, which even metaphorically can be a little challenging. ::grin::

This journey is ongoing. Some pretty awesome things are on the horizon, and I look forward to sharing more of those decisions here.

In the meantime, I want to continue to challenge you to seek your own adventure. Don’t take this for granted. Living your life to the fullest takes mindful dedication, but the rewards are limitless. If there is anything I can do to help you, just let me know.

photo credit: Kuster & Wildhaber Photography via photopin cc