Let’s play Guess Where Robb Is Going To Go?

If you are like most people, when you travel you probably A) decide where you want to go, and B) buy a ticket to get there. And then there is me. At the beginning of January, David and I sat down and set some goals. We’ve been doing pretty good on our weekly goals,...

Year End Review 2013: Attack

I’m feeling great about this! This has been a much more intensive process than I’ve done in the past, but I think this extra time I’ve spend has the potential to really pay off in the coming year. It just comes down to making specific, measurable goals to work on....

Year End Review 2013: Assess

In working on my Year End Review, I’ve taken a look at what went right this year. Now I need to Assess where I am and what I can do better. FINANCIAL This is the one area I’d consider an unqualified success. My goals are specific, my spreadsheet (which I’ve been...

Year End Review 2013: Acknowledge

Time to begin the 2013 End of Year Review. This is something I, like a lot of people I imagine, think about most years. But it is kind of exciting to be a little more formal with it. It scares me because it means the expectations are going to be higher and harder to...

Financial Hacking Guide: Credit Cards

[title type=”h2″ class=”tfuse”]How To Use Credit Cards To Your Benefit[/title] Most of us have a credit card or three. We get them at different times, for different reasons, and use them at different times, for different reasons. But how many...