The philosophy behind ten degrees warmer:
Let’s say you are an electron. (Stay with me.) You are hanging out, doing your thing, orbiting your little world and having a good time. You’ve got enough energy to go anywhere within your orbit, so you can see everything that goes on in your world. You probably even have some electron buddies that hang out with you at that level. Life seems pretty rad.
But every so often you notice that there are other electrons, that seem to be just like you, except they are higher up in the atmosphere. They have a much broader overview of the world, and heck, they are higher up which just looks like fun, even if it is a little scary. You start to yearn for a little adventure, for living just a little bit more.
And one day your chance arrives, and oddly enough, it comes from a change in the weather. It just gets hot. And the hotter it gets, the better you feel, the more excited about the possibilities you become, until finally you have enough energy to jump up into the next orbit. In case you are wondering, I’m totally not even making this part up, it is a real thing called thermal excitation, where the electron is excited by heat. Look it up.
You find you love your new digs. There is so much more space to explore, and your perspective on the world is enlarged and enhanced by your new experiences. You miss your electron buddies below, and you try yelling down to them, but even the ones that are supportive can’t hear everything you try to shout down to them. Others just think you are crazy for leaving such a comfortable orbit. You can’t really blame them, because you know what you are doing is, in fact, unconventional and a little bit crazy. But you also recognize that it is extraordinary.
Eventually, though, you decide to return to your original orbit to rejoin your buddies, and the heat you’ve been enjoying needs to dissipate. Interestingly though, when you make the jump down, the heat you’ve been using doesn’t just evaporate. Instead it emits from your whole being as light. (Seriously. This is how a light bulb works.)
I want to get excited and be a light to the world. If you are still reading this, I’m guessing that so do you. Ten Degrees Warmer wants to help turn the temperature up to get us there.