[title type=”h2″ class=”tfuse”]Step #5 To Becoming Awesome: [/title]

You’ve got your list of goals, now you just have to keep your momentum going and start achieving results. What can you do today? What can be finished by this week? What can you do this morning before lunchtime?

Start with your first goal, and do something about it. Preferably today. At this stage, it is time for action, and getting things done.

Your timelines will vary. Maybe there is something you can finish by tonight. Maybe your goal will last a week, or a month. If you are going to work on more than one thing at a time, mix it up a little. Having three goals all due by Friday might prove harder than having one that you can do today, one to start today but that won’t be done for a week, and a third that will take a month.

For example, while I did not start a new goal today, I took 30 minutes to assess my financial goals. I have goals for the year, with monthly benchmarks on many of them. I’m right on track which is a good feeling, although I’m always trying to finesse just a little bit more out my budget every month. After all, every extra dollar I can save now is one less dollar I have to earn later. (This is an understatement, thanks to compound interest, but that is a topic for another post. My list of topics to get to keeps getting longer and longer!)

Pay attention to the satisfaction you get as you start accomplishing more. That memory can help you through those times when you might otherwise be tempted just to sit back and google some reality tv show on hulu at your computer. There is a time to relax, but not at the expense of achieving the goals you obviously want to achieve, or you wouldn’t have made them goals in the first place. Get something done before you push play.

After all, you are Awesome. You can do it.

And once you have, it is time to do it again. As soon as your goal is complete, go back to Step #3 and start again with a new specific goal. Rinse, repeat. You’ve got this.

This is the last of a six part series.
Start here.

photo credit: Andrew_D_Hurley via photopin cc